Small cells at Big Comms!

Light Reading’s Big Communications Event in Austin in May is the latest in series of events that look to get to grips with the changes affecting the mobile and telecommunications industry landscape.

Topics such as virtualization, IoT, 5G and telco cloud as usual feature high on the agenda, but it is perhaps indicative of the changing climate for the small cell industry that, for the first time in a number of years, nearly one hour of precious conference time will be given over to small cells.

Small Cell Forum CEO, Sue Monahan will join a panel on the first full day of the show called “Small Cells, Big Impact.”

Even the description of the session speaks to the change going on in our marketplace saying that the “much-anticipated small cell era has begun in earnest.”

The organisers say the panel will look to chart the progress of operators accelerating network coverage and capacity plans using small cells, and also address the technological, operational and commercial considerations that are emerging as the pace of change in the small cell market picks up.

Sue will be using the platform at the event to showcase the work from our Champions programme – which is addressing the elements identified by the operator community as important to the large scale deployments we are increasingly seeing.

Sue will also be able to highlight the research we have carried out both with the enterprise community about their use of small cells, and with the Tier One and Tier two operators planning their networks of the future.

Small Cell Forum’s unique 360 degree positioning – led by operators, informed by end-users, and delivered in vendor partnerships – gives us the credentials to inform, educate, and lead the market at a time of great change. We’re certainly looking forward to contributing to the debate in Austin.

The Big Communications Event is in Austin Texas from May 24-25. Small Cell Forum members can get a 20 per cent discounted rate on tickets for the event. Click here for more information »