Management solutions for split-6 OpenRAN architectures

Why this work matters

Existing management solutions for previous generations of small cells are based on the Broadband Forum’s “device management frameworks” and do not address disaggregated architectures.


To date, SCF’s work on the split-6 disaggregated OpenRAN architecture has focussed on the data and control plane standardizations. This new work item will develop management solutions for S-RU & S-DU, leveraging the solutions and aligning the architecture with O-RAN’s Split-7.2 options.

5G Network FAPI

The 5G network functional application platform interface (5G nFAPI) is an initiative that extends for 5G the functional split between the MAC and PHY functions that enables virtualization of the MAC function. This document defines a transportable interface for MAC-PHY 5G function application platform interface (5G-FAPI) defined for 5G small cells [SCF222]. This RAN architecture virtualization MAC function is also known as the Option 6 architecture split.

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